Sunday, October 26, 2008


A mystery arrived today!! (By way of a quite striking young woman I might add...)

Miss Morstan is her name, and her story is quite interesting. Apparantly, some mysterious sender has been fowarding to Miss Morstan one lustrous pearl every year for the past six years. But that's not all! Her father, having just returned from military duty in India, mysteriously vanished 10 years ago. And today, Miss Morstan received a curious note from her mysterious pearl-sender. While I cannot detail the exact words of this note, I can say that its contents have me quite excited! There is evidence to suggest that tonight we shall discover the wherabouts (or history) of her father and these anonymous gifts.

I don't dare underestimate my companion's deductive abilities... but I simply can not see how he could draw any conclusions from the available information. It is, in all truth, a mystery!

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