Sunday, October 26, 2008

Observation of Stimulation

I can't help but wonder how the human brain works. Such a concrete and constant object... yet so many people show signs of such differences and it's all in the brain.

Take, for instance, my friend. He shall remain nameless. It saddens me sometimes to see his brain in lack of challenge. He needs challenge. He feeds on it. Without some sort of logical puzzle or brainwork, my friend resorts to... other... means of nueralogical stimulation. I'm certaintly not proud of the drug use practices of my friend, but he sees nothing wrong with it. And what he says is true... as soon as something better comes along, he drops the drugs in favor of the more wholesome stimulation.

Most often, this alternate stimulation is in the form of a mystery. You see, this friend of mine is a private detective. However, he is no ordinary detective. As I have made clear, his brain is unlike any I have encountered before. His keen sense for the minute details and absurd ability to draw highly logical and likely conclusions from minimal evidence make him quite an extraordinary man. The flaw in all of this, however, is the absolute lack of mysteries as of now....

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