Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Brief Update

Oh what an exciting few hours we have had!!! Holmes was right of course about our mysterious beckoner. His name is Thaddeus Sholto... Major Sholto's son. Well, one of them anyway. His twin brother, Bartholomew is also in on this mystery... but not as willing to share.

To make things brief (as I am currently en route to Bartholomew's home to continue our adventure), Captain Morstand and Major Sholto had happened upon a magnificent treasure while in India. One way or another, they managed to transfer it back to London. As Captain Morstan confronted Major Sholto for his share in the treasure, there were heated words. Trivial matters, of course, surround such immense wealth. However, such matters are enough to aggravate a weak heart, and such a heart Morstan possessed. After arguing for some time with Major Sholto, Morstan suffered from a heart attack and died on the spot. Understandably, Sholto feared his implication in Morstan's death and concealed the body to protect himself and his treasure. Such is the explanation of Miss Morstan's missing father.

I must pause at this time to discuss Miss Morstan. Her poise and valor through this night so far has been extraordinary... far beyond that that I would expect from such a feminine and fragile creature such as her. Regrettably, I find myself in quite a situation. I do believe that I love this woman. However, we have just come to discover that she has rights to a great deal of money and may very well soon be acquainted with said riches. Now, do I conceal my love for fear of appearing superficial? Or do I confess in honesty and hope she sees the truth? I don't know.

Now, back to the treasure. As Thaddeus tells us, the treasure's location died with his father. Since then, Batholomew has spent his time searching. Finally, the treasure has been located! Just a few days ago, Bartholomew located a secret compartment in the ceiling of his house containing the treasure. At Thaddeus's urging, the brothers have agreed to give to Miss Morstan her father's rightful share.

Ah! We have arrived! I will update as soon as possible!

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