Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rather Frustrating...

My how time flies! Regrettably, I have not maintained this manifest as I would have hoped. Much has happened and I once again have little time to explain. Let me begin.

First, and most importantly, Bartholomew Sholto is dead. He was dead when we arrived at his home, but Holmes, Thaddeus, and I were the ones lucky enough to discover it. We entered the room in which the treasure was once concealed only to find no treasure and a dead Bartholomew. Holmes found in the back of his head a curious poisoned dart of which we have yet to find the maker. Through a long series of clues and observations and police investigations and testimonies, we have gotten nowhere. Holmes is here with me at 221b Baker Street waiting for a few last hope sources to report back, but for now we are at a dead end.

I trust that my companion will find a way to re-engage activity in this case. Miss Morstan is waiting... and we must find her justice!

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