Sunday, October 26, 2008

Of course.... I was wrong

Just as I meant not to do, I have underestimated Holmes. After a brief outing, my friend has returned, claiming to have unraveled my 'impossible' mystery. Although some of the facts are still fuzzy, there does seem to be a logical progression here.

Readers, consider this information: Major Sholto, an army Major from India and of former acquaintance with Captain Morstan, died upon the 28th of April, 1882. Exactly one week later, Miss Morstan recieves her first pearl (I omitted this date from my previous entry because I mistakenly took it to be of no importance). A connection?? Holmes thinks so.

The running theory as of now is that Sholo's heir knows something about Captain Mostan's disappearance and now wants to make ammends with Miss Morstan.

So, just like that, Holmes has discovered who our mysterious meeting is with tonight. But exactly what will happen remains to be seen...

1 comment:

Sherlock Holmes said...

Elementary, my dear Watson! Once again, you give me too much credit. I have merely pieced together evident and logical progressions of information. If you had but put your mind to it, I'm sure you could have done the same.